I'm going to school in Otrębusy., It'which is near Kanie. OMy school is only 1,5 km. away frofm my house. My favorite school subjevcts are history and music. I like history because, we have a gootd teatcher andwho tellshe great nastorraties. I like music, because we have a great music teatchetr, too. I don' t like German lessons, because I can' t understand thisat presscholanguage.
My best friend is Ola. She lives in Warsaw.
We know each outherselves from presschool.
I have a younger sister.Her name isd Oliwia ( in aEnglisch it is just Olive). She is 5 yearas old. I have a pet, too. It, a dog and his name isd Wektor. He is ba Boston tTerrier.
I haven't a favorite food. I like almost everythinkg. Now I'm ion a diet, and I eat some salad and everythinkg healthy. My favorite salad is salad with salmon.
And what's your favorite food? You can write me your favorite song, film ( because I like films very much, too), what you like totin generality, your favorite books, and what you want do do in your life.
I awaiting for your letter.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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