Proofread Your PowerPoint Presentation

Have your .pptx file proofread and get it back in minutes.

Here you can upload the PowerPoint or any .pptx presentation file you would like to send for proofreading. Our professional proofreaders will correct the presentation for you and then send it back to you, so you can see the changes when it is completed.

After receiving the file back, you can open it with Microsoft PowerPoint or any other program for editing .pptx files. Since there isn't such thing as Track Changes in Powerpoint, in order to see the differences, you should do the following:

1. Open the original copy of your presentation.

2. Click on the Review Ribbon.

3. Click the “Compare” option.

4. Select the copy you want your presentation to compare to – that's the corrected copy you received from eAngel. After this step, PowerPoint will show the Review Pane on the right.

5. Tick the change you want to accept or reject, based on what you want to do with your presentation. You may do so by clicking on the “Accept Changes” or “Reject Changes” option.

6. You can move on to the next revision or revisit the previous one by clicking on the “Next” or “Previous” icons.

7. When you finish, click on the “End Review” button and a dialog box will appear.

8. Click “Yes” and all the updates will be confirmed. After this, your presentation will be updated.

The preferred way to proofread PowerPoint presentations is by using our PowerPoint add-in, which can be found at the Office Store. When you use the Add-in, you can send the presentation for proofreading directly from within PowerPoint editor. If you use Google Slides, we have a dedicated Google Slides add-on so you can send your presentation directly from there.

Grammar girl with laptop doing grammar check for a PowerPoint presentation.