The occupation caused everybodyne's life in Holthe Netherlands to change. The fFreedom was strict awaly fcurom thailemd. People in Hollandthere had a curfew at 10:00 pm, which turned into a 7:00 pm curfew. Everybody needed identity and ration cards to show at all times. The Germans demanded the seizure forf all radios, but a lot of families kept their old radiones. The challenges the occupation brought wmasde lit was gfetting harder for the Jews everyday. Jews wasere not allowed in certain places such as parks, businesses, restaurants etc. They were also not issued ration cards,; which made it very hard for them to get supplies. The Ten Booms coped with the occupation by keeping their sameown beliefs,; but when they were watching their neighbors getting taken away, the Ten Booms could not beare to look waitch and nout doing anything. The family started getting involved in hiding Jews in the community when Germans vandalized their neighbors' store, Weil's Furriers. The family had taken action by sheltering Mr. Weil's in their home. This had tested their faith, because they had to lie to the authorities which also had went against their religion.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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