Parents' perceptionPerceptions of E-Learning in Abu Dhabi schoolsSchools in United Arab Emirates

The need for learning has
been increased with the rapid growth of modern technology and knowledge. E-learning has dramatically changed the manner and process of delivering learning courseseducation and imparting necessary knowledge. TheIssues of speed, time, and distance related issues have been greatlylargely resolved. through it.The United Arab Emirates, has statedstarted to adopt the E-learninge-learning system.
For this purpose, underlyingUnderlying research questions arehave been prepared and answered demonstratingto demonstrate how e-learning contributes in enhancingenhances the effectiveness of education and understanding levels. The study aims to investigate parent’sa parent's understanding and perception of supporting, encouraging, and adopting the e-learning initiative. It has used primary and secondary data sources;. The primary data is based on responsethe responses of 1,520 parents, tofrom a questionnaire survey that consists of six domains; 1-students’: 1) students computer competence, 2-teacher2) teacher computer competence, 3-quality3) quality of teaching and learning, 4-meeting students’4) meeting student needs through the curriculum, 5-school5) school environment, and 6-students’6) students personal development.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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