In theThe last interview of Michel FoucaultFoucault's “Le retour de la morale”, this was takentook place during the period while hiswhen the second and third volumes of thehis book series -TheThe History of Sexuality were published. Through his own words, “je suis simplement nietzschéen”, Foucault claimed himself as a Nietzschean. (Foucault, 1990). This clarification provides a meanan indication that the ideology of Nietzsche did shaped theshape Foucault's studies of Foucault profoundly. The correlation amongbetween the two scholars washas been discussed fromby numerous researchers in different disciplines; among the divergent arguments, genealogy is one of the focuses. Professor Lash (1984) from the field of sociology hassays brought up in the text "Genealogy and the Body: Foucault/Deleuze/Nietzsche", “Anglo-American commentators in the human sciences have some time now taken Michel Foucault at his word, that he has been, as archaeologist and as genealogist, most fundamentally a Nietzschean. It is as a genealogist in Madness and Civilization, Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality, that Foucault has had the greatest impact”. Through these sentences, one should realize that genealogy represents the elementary linkage between Nietzsche and Foucault, with the purpose to analyze. When analyzing Foucault it is necessary to establish the understanding onof genealogy as a fundamental basis.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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