As a competitive cheerleader, I have ended up in the doctor's office due to more injuries than I can count. After multiple surgeries and X-RaysX-rays, my interest in the medical field has been significantly heightened. When it came time to start thinking about what I would study in college I was immediately drawn to integrative physiology. As a senior in high school I am currently taking a lot of interest in my AP statistics class, and anatomy and physiology class, which has helped me shape my interest in this field. Throughout my life I have learned to love to help people, and provide for those around me in any way that I can. After countless doctor visits I’ve come across many amazing doctors and medical workers who have used their knowledge to help me heal, and to get me back to doing what I love in my sport. These people have been some of my biggest inspirations, and have really helped shape my love for studying the interquiciesintricacies of our bodies as well as using that knowledge to eventually help others heal through their injuries. Considering all of my interests, one of my biggest goals is to become a physical therapist. With CU Boulder’s outstanding Arts and Sciences program, I know that it would be a great opportunity to be able to study integrative physiology to start my journey of becoming a physical therapist.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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