I'm XYZ, and I'm calling from Zocdoc. Zocdoc is a company based in New York City that provides an online service that allows people to find and book in-person or telemedicine appointments for medical or dental care. For medical personnel, Zocdoc offers a scheduling system via a paid subscription. Subscribers can access the scheduling system as an online service, through the deployed office calendar software, or via integration with their websites.

We are currently holding an online conference this week about
Tech-Tech strategies for business development, which is exclusive for doctors and will be attended by top doctors from multiple locations, and we would like to invite you to be a part of it.

We'd like to share the invitation. Can you please help me with the details?

Email address

First and last names

Practice Name

Doctors' Count

Doctor Speciality

Mailing Address

Accept or decline

If any scheduling software is used

Thank you for the information. We will share the invitation with you
, and one of my team members will connect with you for further information.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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