He then informed the service's help desk so that a team of electricians could take care of the problem. Afterwards, when he went to open the lab's windows, andhe became aware of the dark stains on the floor. He saw that the air conditioner had also burnt out stains and water was dripping from it. He stepped back and waited for the team of electricians to come.
He took cognizant of the burnt out fan during our site investigation in the laboratory premises.
Mr Mr. A Juggernauth
According to Mr A. Juggernauth, the incident may have occurred because the switch for the stand fan had been turned off but not unplugged.
UoM UoM Surveillants
According to the roster of the UoM Surveillants, they are supposed to monitor and patrol the UoM buildings and the campus in general.
gatheredto information gathered from UoM SurveillantSurveillants, they do not perform patrolpatrols inside the UoM buildings.
Despite two smoke detectors in the laboratory premises, those UoM Surveillants who were on duty from Friday (20 January 2023) to Sunday (22 January 2023) had not heard any alarm in the Engineering Tower building.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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