On March 25, 2011, I went to the Friday prayer at Alhasan mMosque, because it is one of the biggest and most important mosque in Damascus. After the prayer, someone started by shouting, ‘’b"Break the siege of Dara’’!" and everybody followed him. The demonstration was obviously spontaneous and unplanned. Soon after it began, the security forces westarted beating people with their truncheons and detaininged some of the demonstrators and, one of twheom was my friend atfrom medical school , his named is ‘’Ahmad Alajamy’’. , hHe was detained for 5 days and, when he was released, he told us about what happened in the detention. He wasn’t able to walk because of the torture he had suffered. He was so afraid to participate in any demonstration after wthatis happened. I used to hide at my friend’s home, ‘’Alaa dDabol’’, which was very close to the mosque. The first Syrian to be killed during the demonstration in Damascus city was at Alhasan mMosque. He; was 13 years old aboy. After that, the demonstrations became bigger and bigger and, not only on Fridays, but every times they were held.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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