The main character is a girl named Harper McCoy. Her family had to move states because of her father’s job. They moved from Connecticut to Florida. She also had to change dance studios and join a new dance team. Her new dance studio is called DanceStarz. She was really sad to leave her old dance team and friends. Anyway, her new dance team had five girls. They were Isabell, Bella, Megan, Riley, and Trina. Isabell and Bella left, so they needed two more girls to fill their spots. Some dancers auditioned for those spots. Harper and another girl named, Lily, fulfilled those spots of thefilled the two dancersdancers' spots. But, the three other girls that stayed, arewere mean to them. They are called the Bunheads. They have danced together at DanceStarz since they were two years old. Harper and Lily havehad a rough time fitting in with their team and trying to get the Bunheads to like them. My advice to them is to just be yourselves.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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