My worst experience of the week was going home for lunch rather than eating at work. myMy children didn't know I was coming, so they had used most of the bread. allAll I had to make a sandwich with were too thin crumbled pieces of crust. I set there eating my tattered sandwich and trying to relax, then my daughter's phone rang. myMy daughter, who was in the bathroom, called down to me that I should not answer her phone. asAs soon as I responded to her, someone knocked on the door. itIt was a neatly dressedneatly-dressed couple with bright eyes who wanted to talk with me about a higher power and lie. I politely got rid of them and went back to finish lunch. I thought I would relax over my coffee. I had to break up a fight between my two young Sonssons about thewhich television channel to watch. asAs a last bit of frustration, my daughter came downstairs sheand asked me to drive her to her friend's house before I went back to work.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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