Abortion is a serious problem facing the livestock department in Jordan. , tThe specific, rapid diagnosis considers a good solution ,. iIn this study we used a newly developed molecular test called 'loop mediated isothermal amplification ( LAMP ). , fFrom its name the DNA is amplified athe DNA at constant temperature and usinges the unique primer called 'loop primer'. iIn addition to the other 4 sets of primers to detect some infectious cause of abortion ( brucella , toxoplasma gondii , coxiella burnetii , campylobacter fetus and Chlamydia abortus ) in 50 samples of stomach content s of the aborting fetus and vaginal discharge of aborted dam by targeting specific gene in each extra to applied conventional PCR on all sample s. The result detected by the naked eye ais white participation or green colour when added SYBR green dye .
The LAMP test show
s to be specific , sensitive, easy to apply, and can be concesidered itas as field molecular diagnosis test .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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