Sir, please dont show hate with your negative comments towards my favorite people in the movie business, or even towards their works. I understand man, everyone is not the same,; we are all are different. I love Jason Goes To Hell, One Of The Greatest In The Franchise In My Opinion. Maybe one day you'll love it, who knows,. I used to hate Mickey Rourke, and I paid attention to him in one of the films, and Nnow I'm a huge fan of the Mman. EvPerybodyple changes Sir,. I really like you,; you're a good friend so far. It's only been a couple of hours when iI added you and I feel like I have known you, more like a Bbrother, so if you don't like something please just ignore Sir, I hope you understand Mman. It's not easy to do a movie, we all have our own ideas,. And I Salute Mr. Adam, Sso I hope you understand Sir,. Thank You, and God Bless.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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