It was September 6th, 2013; my first day of a new school year. I rolled out of my bed with a depressed look on my face. I looked out of my window, and saw the pouring rain hitting the road. I knew today would be a horrible day. "Michael! Start getting ready!", said my mom. I dragged my feet down the stairs. I looked in the fridge, lookingsearching for something to eat, even though I had no appetite. "I'll just skip breakfast," I thought. My mom always said: "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" but I didn't care today. I walked to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. I seemed like a zombie. I had red eyes, and my face looked so beat up from being tired. I knew I shouldn’t have stayed up until 1:3030am last night. I grabbed my toothbrush, and smothered some mint toothpaste on it. "Michael, we are leaving soon!" she hollered. I could imagine how the first day would be. I just hope the day isn't as bad as I think. I rinsed the toothpaste off my brush, got my backpack on, grabbed a coat, and wentwalked out the door.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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