Hello all!

Welcome to Research Methods!

I am excited to have you in the course this semester. I have attached the course syllabus into this email and I will open up blackboardBlackboard this weekend, andwhere you will have access to the syllabus withand all of the course materials on blackboard this weekend.

You will need to purchase a text
book for my class in order to complete the in-class activityactivities (review quiz and discussion)discussions) for each class, starting next Thursday (8/31). Details of the text bookTextbook information is detailed in the attached syllabus.

ForIn our first class meeting (8/29), we will look over our syllabus and chapter 1.

iswill be helpful if you read the syllabus and chapter 1 before the first class, to make sureensure that you are interested in taking the section of the class I teach. Attendance is required. Please attend the first class in order to receive a full credit for attendance.

I look forward to seeing you in our first class meeting.

Dr. Park

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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