I would like to make a request to you regarding the warehouse. As the warehouse was built with Concreteconcrete tilt-ups or constructed of metal, which can become stifling in the summer months, especially if lackit lacks adequate ventilation. So we need to maintain the temperature in the warehouse for various reasons, including: Inadequate Ventilation / Poor Air Quality. InOn high humidity days, water vapor is released into athe building. Water vapor moves independently of air, and always flows to the coldest point, such as concrete floors, which cool down at night. Once the concrete slab reaches dew point, as temperatures increase, condensation is formed on the floor — posing real safety hazards to materials and machinery need toneeded for installation of some fun. Because fans constantly mix air from the roof to floor, a constant state of thermal equilibrium exists inside the warehouse building. the Airair fan, it’sis usually regulated to sections of the warehouse where products need to be kept at a constant temperature. And, and because of the AC is costly, so we are requesting a fan to avoid affecting material during the bad weather.
Your usual cooperation and support required in this situation.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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