Katniss, sadly as
Sadly,as you found out, there are no taco trucks in the arena, so you need to find some plants or flowers. The plants and flowers you should look for are pinespine trees, acorns, cattailscat-tails, clovers, daisies, and yuccas. When you encounteredencounter the pine trees cut, and boil the needles for tea or eat the protein filledprotein-filled pollen cones in the spring. Now that you have acquired the acorns, boil them to remove the tanninstanin. Once you have found the cattailcat-tail, eat the cucumber-like cores or mash the starch-filled rhizomes, found within the cattailcat-tail. Then, as for the clover, it can be eaten raw or boiled. Katniss, you can pick and eat the daisies’ young leaves boiled or drydried. Although for the yucca you might want to slice it, peel, boil the stems, and with the white petals and thumb-sized fruits you can eat it raw during the summer.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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