Refactoring is the process of changing
thea software's code structure without changing its behavior, is simply to formalize what programmers have done for a long time. It's important for software development because it allows programmers to adapt their programs to the changing requirements of customers, markets, and managers.
's make our program easier to understand and more readable,; that's what we can do with refactoring. However,This type of cleanup can have a profound, positive effect on the maintainability, reusability, and understandability of code. So weRefactoring can be apply refactoring manualapplied manually, by hand, or automate bycan be automated using tools. Before all of the development, programming’sprogramming can do the refactoring manual by hand, ofmanually. Of course, it'smore time is taken, more timeand it can simply cost too much. It's andalso harder to use and thethere is a lack of support foror tools compelsto compel programmers to reprogramrefactor programs by hand, which can be boring and error prone. But, if we do refactoring is done automatically by, using available tools, it taketakes little time and it's someis often simple to use. The relative costs of time and accuracy must always be considered. If a refactoring takes too long, a programmer will never use the automatic refactoring, but will just perform it by hand and live with the consequences.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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