People feel confident when they wear modern dresses whichthat make them to look young. This feeling make amakes them energetic. In other words, people who tryingtry new outfits develop sound mental health and try to eat healthy dietand try to eat healthy diet develop sound mental health that keeps them in shape. They posypose their photographs inon social media gainingin order to gain the attention of their friends and relatives. For instance, Newyork timesthe New York Times reported that 60% of professionals feel confident and energetic after wearing the suits that were introduced in theat a fashion show in Paris in 2018.

FahionThe fashion industry is creating a plethora of employment opportunities tofor millions of people across the globe. It is worth to saysaying that fahsikfashion designers explore their creativity and end increate new designs every day. Furthermore, upon spendingpeople spend a lot ifof money on clothing, the handle on and. The part of the textile industriesindustry that produce 5hsyproduces modern shirts, long frocks, and suits constituteconstitutes 10% toof the gross domestic productsproduct of the UK.

In conclusion
, this essay agreed that there are a lot of potential benefits into wearing trendingtrendy clothes, as it improves onesthey improve one's confidence and playsplay a prominent role in the economical growth of the country.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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