People ask so many questions on a day to dayday-to-day basis, especially the first day back to school. The first day of school, everyone is seeing each other after summer break, and have so many questions to ask about their summer. I was constantly asked “How was your summer?”, “When is your lunch period?”, “How many AP classes do you have?” and “Best thing you did over the summer?” I noticed that I was asked these same repetitive questions but, by different people. My teachers asked these questions as “ice breakers” and wanted to get to know their students better. Some teachers asked, “what’s“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” or “what’s“What’s your favorite breakfast item?” Teachers and students would ask these questions but, I asked questions to others as well. SuchQuestions such as, “Did you enjoy your summer?”, “What time are you getting to school?”, “what’s“What’s your first period?” or “what“What homeroom are you in?” Something interesting I found was that students had some of the same questions as I did and, some of the same responses.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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