What is multicularims?multiculturalism? What does it mean for a country to adopt multiculturarsima multicultural policy? MulticulturasimMulticulturalism is a concept that promotes the idea of cultural diversity. It advocates for equal respect to the various cultures in a society. Kymlicka is an advocate of this policy, as he believes it promotes the concept of integration. Whereas, Bissoondath, and Gwyn doesdo not support the multicultural policy. They argue that it gives rise to the concept of separatism and “monoculturalism”“monoculturalism. For Bissoondath, multiculturalismmulticultural policy encourages the concept of “ethnic ghettos”ghettos. He defines ethnic ghettos as a practice in which the ethnic groups work to build their own communitycommunities. What he means is that people feel more comfortable to bebeing in touch with their own rootsrace and their own people. This way they are accommodating their own culturesculture and values. What this suggestsuggests is that people will not try to practice the Canadian mainstream culture. In BissoondathBissoondath's view, this policy supports monoculturalism., where an ethnic group wouldwill try every way to realmprotect itself as a static entity. In his view, this is not a good approach, becauseas it does not allow the newcomers to integrate into Canadian society. Richard Gwyn argues that multiculturalism supports the concept of apartheid. He emphasizes that the policy pays more attention to their differences rather than their similarities. Gwyn states that the formation of multiculturalismmulticultural policy can put the Canadian identity in danger and soon, there will come a day when CanadiansCanadians' knowledge about their own historical events, cultures, and traditions wouldwill be limited. Yet, Will Kymlicka does not agree with theirthese claims thethat the policy has led to separatism. He claims thethat the policy is design the policy thedesigned to respect minority cultures and encourage a uniform national identity, making it more visible within mainstream Canada.

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