All Courses Assessment Fee IsFees Are RS 350/- Per Student.
2) If Financer is paying the Assessment fee ofFee for the above courses, then the company will return the fee and 30% interest to the Financer within four to five months. For example:
If Financer paypays assessment fees of 100000/-
Then, then the Company will return 130000/- In Fourin four or five Monthmonths.
3) B-type course Is Soft skill courses are soft skills: Basic English and personality development for 6th Std to 10th Std Studentstudents. Soft skillskills Assessment Fee Is RS 250/- Per Studentper student.
4) If Financer is paying the Assessment fee of the Softsoft skill Coursecourse, then the company will return the fee and 60% interest to the Financer within four to five months. For example: If Financer paypays assessment fees of 100000/-.
then the Company will return 160000/- In Fourin four or five Monthmonths.
5) Company will be givegiven a blank Chequecheque to the financerFinancer as a security.
6) The companyCompany will give agreement to the financerFinancer on 100 rupees stamp
paper as a security.
7) The companyCompany and the Mediators have full responsibility for refunding the
money to financerthe Financer.