In this study, synthetic air was used as oxidant. Synthetic air was prepared in a mixing tank using research grade O2 and N2. The synthetic air was created with 21.0 mole% of O2, and 79.0 mole% N2. The prepared synthetic air was held for a minimum of two hours to makeachieve homogeneity before conducting experiments. Prenol and isoprenol were used as fuel for measuring laminar burning velocity. Prenol and isoprenol were supplied by Merck and Thermo Fisher Scientific, respectively. Table 1 presents a detail of fuel properties.

In this study, synthetic air was used as oxidant and prenol and isoprenol were used as fuel. Before creating synthetic air in the mixing tank, the manifold and mixing tank were vacuumed down to 0.20torr. As stated earlier, synthetic air was created in ratio of 1: 3.76
, with research graderesearch-grade O2 and N2 in the mixing tank. Simultaneously, the spherical combustion chamber was heated by the furnace to make uniform temperature. The furnace was used to keep the surface temperature of the combustion chamber at 428 K, which is a temperature higher than the boiling point of fuel for avoiding condensation of fuels.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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