“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is a short story that shows us that not all traditions should be followed. The Lottery takes place on athe sunny morning of June 27th in a small village of in New England. The townsfolkstownsfolk have the tradition of gathering at the town square where an annual lottery will be heledheld. Since theBecause summer break hadhas begun, the children gather at the square before everyone else to stuff their pantpants pockets with stones; Bobby Martin, Harry Jones, and Dickie Delacroix created a vast pile of stones in one corner of the square. Soon after, the men and women began arriving at the town square to meet with their children. Leaving the pile of stones behind, everyone gathered to meet with their friends, families, and neighbors. The grown-ups smiled and laughed as they greeted each other, exchanged jokes, and gossiped aswhile they waited for the lottery to commence.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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