“What makes us human, I think, is an ability to ask questions, a consequence of our sophisticated spoken language.”- Jane Goodall (Brainy Quotes). What separates humans from their closest relatives, the apes? Both species walk, both species communicate, both species eat and drink, both species need sleep, so. So what is it? It is probably the fact that humans are the only species conscious of their evolution throughout time. Humans have always had an interest in studying different species but nothing like studying our closest cousins, the apes. Perhaps it is becausethe fact that humans and apes have only a 1.6% difference in their DNA has caused humans to always have a particular interest in them. This paper is written to introduce you to some unique animals, the chimpanzees, and the Japanese Macaque.
When the word chimpanzee is
mentionmentioned, the things that are most likely associated with it is Jane Goodall, The planetPlanet of the apesApes, and apes. The Chimpanzee’schimpanzee’s scientific name is Pan troglodytesTroglodytes, but they are usually known as chimps which is a common name for the chimpanzee. Chimps belong in the Animalia Kingdom. The Animalia kingdomKingdom is, also called Metazoa. In this kingdom, there are no Prokaryotes (bacteria) or Protists (unicellular eukaryotic organisms). Every member of the Animalia kingdom is multicellularare multi-cellular and heterotrophs, meaning they rely on other organisms for their own nourishment. The Chimpanzeechimpanzee is an omnivorous frugivore. Chimps usually prefer to eat fruit, especially figs, above anything else. Chimps also eat leaves, seeds, nuts, insects, meat and, eggs, and milk. If thetheir diet were to be broken down in percentagepercentages, it would look like this: “60% fruits, 30% other vegetation, 10% animal matter (Seaworld Park and Entertainment 1)”.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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