Dear Dhammika,
The intention to schedule the captioned meeting was expediteexpedited by the bankside patch deployment of USD On-line, as LCPL pay maintenance for the obsolete system (Old OCASP) of LankaSign. However, Upul will not be able to coordinate with other business owners, as this changes was initiated by LankaSIgn and relevant guidelines and deadlinedeadlines shall providebe provided by Manoj. Further, do not release network configuration details to USD On-line participants, until completeas completing SLIPS changes will take time. However, you and Manoj can take final decisiondecisions and then inform me in a formal way.
As I remember, this Change Requested (CR) was initiated by Duleep Liyanage before one year. Hence, your attention and involvement is required to complete this. I have been involved forin this because this was darg again, and again. Further, you may decide whether LCPL can use existing OCSP IP for new, or purchase new IP for the new OCSP server. Hence, liaise with Dhammika and the IT team taketo take final decisiondecisions and suggest usa realistic time line and workable deployment plan for us to minimizing/ eliminatingminimize/eliminate inconveniences for the banks.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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