The positive impact that humans can helphave on the food chain is that humans have websites that already support a few endangered species and it has helped the food chain a lot. Secondly, humans have now has collected DNA from extinct animal fossils and has found another way to bring back extinct animals. The other way is cloning, - by having animalsanimals' DNA and resources available ,scientist scientists will be able to clone extinct animals back to life. When they are born there are no mothers because there is only one animal, so,Scientist how scientists have to find a surrogate mother of a different species to protect the animal until it is old enough to take care of itself.They There are inventions like the beer bottle machine ,beer bottle machinewhich makes beer bottles tointo sand. itThis is very helpful for the environment, as glass, mostly as beer bottles, areis littered everywhere and is bad for the environment and animals . There is another invention Called saltwatercalled Saltwater Brewery itthat makes bottle packaging out of roots and barley. animalsAnimals are able to eat this type of packaging because it is made out of Rootsroots from trees, and barley. The third invention is called airAir Inc ,air Incwhich is made out of gases from Cars theycars. They collect gases that car'scars produce to move and make them into a powder that you can write with and that, which also helps the environment because all our seas and the earth isare polluted enough with cars, trucks and buses. theThe last invention is Biodegradablebiodegradable water bubblesbottles. The capsule is made out of seaweed extract that is 100% edible and filled with water inside you the. The plus side to this is that isit is biodegradable and can also can suitstand any type of weather, including cold weather. It Is the most efficient way of producing waste freewaste-free packaging .

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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