The FederalistFederalists were proposing a new form of government. whenWhen doing this, they had violated the constitution by violating the governmentsgovernment's belief ofthat the three branches should be separate and different from each other. forFor example, in Federalist 51, it is arguesargued that the constitution was being violated because the powers of the government were being handed to a single body , which was preventing the power for the individuals , as well as each of the states Constitutionsstates' constitutions, as the branches were not separate. It is necessary to have some control over the other branches, but they are supposed to be and different. The FederalistFederalists believed that by increasing their power, this would allow for the branches to be able to be more separate but would also make it where there wasn't a single body controlling the branches.
Under the Articles of Confederation
, the government was not strong enough to handle the problems that the states wherewere having, so the constitution was an attempt to fix these problems. inIn Brutus 1 they warn the states that if they should be careful when dividing the power in to a strong central government because, if they divide the power, then it is more likely that they will never get it back. The Anti-FederalistAnti-Federalists believed in the ArticleArticles of Confederation because it gave the states quite a bit of the power. The new Constitutionconstitution places a lot of the power in the central government, which could mean that the states governmentstate governments may no longer be able, as Republicans, to be under the control of the citizens. Brutus 1 argues that the Federal courts will take the power away from courts; however, this was incorrect because federalism did not take away the power of the state courts. the federalistThe federalists made a federal court, and the state courts kept their powers.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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