HELLO !Hello!

IMThis is Alex David,

online marketing
Online Marketing.

noticednotice that your business has not been verified with googleGoogle.
This, of course, affects you

in several respects. theseThese are the most prominent:

Information is uncertain and that
, of course, affects credibility.
InfluenceDissuades customers infrom taking any action, as tothey distrust the authenticity of

the information provided to them.
Anyone can add incorrect information and this affects the activity
Competitors can put information and means of communication that

belong to them under the name of your business and thus steal your

If you do not verify the activity, Google will delete your business, which

means you exit theyou're removed from competition.
Loss of many target customers

And this picture shows you that

To verify your business I am very happy to help you And offerby offering my service

to you
verify your business. I can also manage your Google business profile and improve your ranking

so that you canwill get more customers...
For more details
I am very happy to communicate with you via email for more details.

THANK YOUThank you,

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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