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At Quill Marketing
, we want to solve two big problems, first at the local level to motivate brands to find their creative voice through marketing channels and second to plant more trees across the country.

There are still more than 40% of companies in the United Kingdom which don’t fully use the power of social media platforms, and just 8% of brands are very satisfied with their agency partners

Everyone is guessing, advertisers don’t know exactly what their target users are, what was considered “best practice social media marketing” one day can look entirely different the next day. Today’s digital age came upon us like a whirlwind storm,
and marketers and companies had little time to learn before the training wheels came off.

Here at Quill Marketing, we all come every day because we want to solve those big problems. We believe in data
, and big data. We are combining talent and intelligence to produce results. This means optimizing the customer journey to deliver a personalized, consistent experience across all touchpointstouch-points and helphelping our clients thrive in a new digital world of an evolving marketing landscape.

Why planting trees? We believe in the law of reciprocity,
and nature is giving all of us inspiration, we. We give nature more tress. Just 1 tree can provide enough oxygen for 3 people. We think this is an amazing indicator and fair deal — isn't? it?

Are you still with us
, or did we not scaredscare you? If not, please take a break and meet our team below.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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