Dear Marina,

Hi Marina, how are you doing? I just wanted to see how you were doing in Paris. I was hoping to get this letter to you sooner
, but the censors might make it take longer. I know itsit's weird that I know the address and all, but your friend gave it to me. I know you haven't forgotten about me even with all the censorship in my area. The censorship just makes it hard for me to contact people sometimes, but that's life. I hope that the letter gets through the screening, but they are extremely strict.

Let's talk about you
, though. How are you doing in Paris, France, wowFrance? Wow, that's cool to say. I wish I could get away from this country. I bet France doesn't have outragesoutrageous rules like here. Marina, I wish I could visit you soon, but I doubt that's a possibility. I just miss being able to see you all the time and hang out with you. Back in the olden days, it was easier to get in contact with you, unlike now. You haven't forgotten me, right becauseright? Because I think about you all the time. I was so happy when your friend gave me your address so I could get a letter from you. I just couldn't wait to send you a letter full of stuff to see how you were doing and just talk to you about life. I hope this gets through this “awesome” system we have here so you can write me back. I might even go try to work theirthere just to get my letter through, but I don't know if I should. Please write me back, totoo, Marina, and have a good time in Paris.


The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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