Good Afternoon Mr. Bates,

Hope all is well. I
am emailing you concerning the head coach vacancy at Parkway High School. I'm not sure what you are looking for in this position. I do know one thing for certain is, I believe I'm the best guy for this job and believe I can restore what I believe is one of the best jobs, if not the best Jobjob, in all Louisiana. It's been very devastating and painful to watch something you felt like you were a part of building take the backward turn that the program has. I've been part of a lot of programs &and I know agedage may scare you from doing the unthinkable, &and that's considering me for the next head coach at Parkway. I think what Parkway needs is a Strong Person to get this program turned around, and I firmly believe in being a leader of men, being accountable, treating people with respect on and off the field. Also, getting the stands back to what they once were, &and getting people excited about Parkway football.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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