I am a kind leader and a helpful person." I also see myself one day being the boss of people who respect me. There are a lot of leaders who would get in your face and tell you what to do, but that is not me. I am a kind person. If I seesaw my team down, I would pull them to the side and seeask them to tell me what wasis going on. Yes, I play on sports teams. I know some people who think yelling at them is okay, but it's not, because all you do is hurt yourself and your teammates. As I used to play football, and basketball, and I was not the best player onof the team no but I always trytried my best. and I have 1There is one rule I go by is, when you start something you should always finish it. Most of the players I played with would quietquit and not finish the seasons; nowadays these kids and teens if they do not get a chance to play, they would quietwill just quit. I want to work with young kids to help bethem get on the right path in lifetrack, so they can stay focused and not pick the wrong side of life. Most of my friends whowhom I grew up with are in either of two places. They are- in prison or dead. That is because they wantwanted to pick the street life. andWell, I pickdecided to stay in school instead. I know what it's like to work hard for something like that for me.. For example, I wanted to get a vehicle. What I haddid is I got a job, so I could one day get my own car and guess what, I did that. To me,I believe I am a different leader, I like I am someone who likesspeaking out and I would like to talk out or setbe a good example for others.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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