1. An enemy is moving ininto our territory.
2. We are organizing this endurance event together with our school.
3. It was bitterly cold in our school when there was no heating.
4. Police can’t torture prisoners
,; it’s against human laws.
5. We’ve had an ultimate thrill while watching this football match.
6. This game has
sosuch big requirements that my computer will not run it.
7. Every time I see him, it makes my anger soar.
8. They say
that I will have to plunge into a giant swimming pool.
9. I've decided to ration our goods.
10. After all the hardship you’ve suffered, you can live safely now.
11. If you really can push your boundaries so much, you should kill him
12. For most of our family, my life seems to be unpredictable
13. After 1 September 1939,
thereit was a battle after battle in Poland.
14. I got blisters on my fingers.
II World World War II was a time of huge deprivation.
16. The school helps to deepen our understanding.
17. Well, I look forward to seeing him.
18. I think you shouldn’t pay that ultimate price; you should bargain.
19. He is mentally ill, so he can get an attack at any time.
20. If you solve this challenging
mathmaths test, you will be our student.
21. I don’t feel happy
, though I did it.
22. People say
that he is unpredictable.
23. He made considerable mistakes in our documents.
24. They’ve decided to deepen their relationship.
25. His height
war rangingranged from 1,8m to 1,9m tall.
26. They had to leave this town because of hardships.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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