Thank you for your last email,. I hope you are doing well. I actually want to tell you about a person I met yesterday! She joined our class yesterday. She seemed very cool and funny. She has colorful hair, which I found really beautiful. She also looked very soft and nice, so I spoke to her at lunch. After the lunch, she asked me if she can sit with myme at the classes, and I of course agreed because I wanted to know her better! After the lessons, she asked me if we can go metmeet somewhere. We went to cinema, and it was amazing. She picked a horror, and during the movie, she started screaming and dropped our popcorn. I started laughing, but after that, I understood that she drop our!dropped our popcorn and. I getgot mad at her, but Iit was still an amazing day! I really wasn’t into new friendship, but I’m happy that I decided to get to know her. I recommend this to you, too, because you can also meet an amazing person!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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