To whom it may concern:,
My name is Maria Guadalupe Chavez Cedeño, I was born in Chiquimitio, Michoacán, Mexico on June 19, 1971. I went to High Schoolhigh school and studiedpursued a technical career as a teachersteacher's aide; in Morelia, Michoacán. I worked for more than eight years at Villa MontesooriMontessori School, in Morelia, Michoacán, as a guide assistant of Montesoori ;using the Montessori method with children aged between one toand five years old.
In 2004, I decided to come to the United States of America. In 2007, I met Alfredo, “mymy husband “. We talked , went out and afterAfter dating for several months;, I moved in with him.
Once living together, we both decided to get married. In 2008 weWe got married in Las Vegas, Nevada, in 2008.
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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