Hi Andrea,

Sorry for not being in touch for such a long time, but I have had exams, so I have been studying every minute.

What have you been up to lately? I remember you telling me that you were about to move house.
What’sWhat is it like living in the new apartment?

Nothing much has happened. In July, my family and I went on holidays to Tuscany, to San Vincenzo, despite the COVID-19 emergency. All we had to do was wear a mask in case of gatherings.

Guess what? One day, while I was windsurfing, I spotted a dolphin playing with its kind! As I was watching them, my heart
melted—theymelted; they were too sweet! Have you ever seen one? Another unforgettable experience was visiting Florence, where I also visited the physicist Galileo’s museum, and Volterra, a medieval village that preserves Etruscan findsfindings.

Fancy coming to me for a week around mid-August? I’d love to! You should come because the LongLake Festival in Lugano takes place until 30th August… ☺

I’d better get back to my homework now. Let me know if you fancy my proposal, and in the meantime, pass on my regards to your family.



The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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