I believe the ideal American should possess these five traits: hard-working, honest, generous, patriotic, and, most importantimportantly, godly. America is only here today because of the hard-working individuals. As a result, our country is prosperous. We are gifted with a standard of living that is immeasurable to some in other places in the world. Hard-work shows the dedication of one's heart. This not only applies to jobs but everything in our lives. Equally as important is honesty. You can be the most driven worker, but if it comes from a deceitful heart, it will do you no good. That is whenhow a country becomes corrupt. I believe it is vital for the average American to remain truthful. Jesus commands us to be honest and loveslove our neighbors. Generosity not only changes you but the lives of others around you as well. If the average American spread kindness, our nation's attitudeattitudes would shift as a whole. Being nice is such a simple task, yet it results in a complex outcome. For example, Thethe people in the placewhere you live in can bring out a strong sense of patriotism in you. The pridePride in one's home is vital to maintaining a healthy country. In short, it unites everyone together. The average American should have a love for their country and their creator. Being godly is the most crucial characteristic out ofof them all. HoweverTherefore, if someone obtained this, all the rest would follow. All of the fruits of the spirtspirit are produced when one puts their trust in Jesus Christ. In summary, when the ideal American is godly. This, this in return creates a hard-working, honest, generous, and patriotic individual.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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