Dear Ali,

I asked to speak to you on
the 15th of October because I'm frustrated and angry with the way Afshan has been handling my conveyance.
I reported that
at, all this time, I don't knowhave been unaware of what is going on and needed updates.

You assured me you would ensure that my conveyance
iswas sorted out soon.
Since I spoke with you, this situation
remainshas remained unchanged.

I emailed you on 20th October 2020, but haven't heard from you either.
Therefore, I phoned on Wednesday
, 21st October at 14:31 and talked to Afshan. It was a brief call, and Afshan told me that she was reviewing my file and would email me in two hours. I waited for this email, but she didn't send any emails.

As a result of this, I phoned again on Thursday, 22nd October
, at 14:05. I asked to speak to Afshan, and the recipient came back and informed me that Afshan said she was reviewing my file, and would email me shortly. I waited until 17:14 andthen phoned AfghanAfshan, andbut the recipient got back to me saying that Afshan was reviewing my file, and she would email me in an hour.

As far as I know, Afshan has been reviewing my file for about two months now, but it seems like she has made no progress. I'm wondering what is going on.

I believe Stirling Ackroyd
legalLegal is an esteemed organization. However, I'm disappointed with your poor communication and professionalism. You are not providing a free service to me. I'm paying for the services you render to me, and I deserve some respect as a client. Is this how you treat your clients? Or is my conveyance exceptional? Nobody seems to bother about my predicament, despite my emails and phone calls. I'm fuming!

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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