This basis for work was originally generated by the first author, Ms. NA, during her master’s studies at the university of Institute of Global Health, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg (2015). In 2018, Ms. A was offered assistance by the “Heidelberg"Heidelberg Research to Practice Group ''" at the institute in order to develop this work and bring it to publication in a peer-reviewed journal. There was no specific funding for this work, and none of the co-authors hashave a specified funding to support the publication fees of this work. We would also like also to mention that the Heidelberg University offers an Open Access Publishing Fund, yet,but unfortunately, by the time we are submitting this manuscript, the budget dedicated for this matter for the year 2020 is already exhausted and there is no longer a possibility to offer a cost support for publication fees. We are eager to publish this work, and would greatly appreciate your understanding and consideration on this matter.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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