Most people visualize sorority girls as snobby, disciplined, and intelligent. This image of them is frequently seen in movies and television shows , my friend Lisa is much more friendly and barely gets involveinvolved in house activities or conforms to their regulations. Snobbery is simply one aspect of the sorority girl image __; they accomplish this task by interacting with a selective crowd. Which consists of girls from the house, fraternity boys, and possibly family. The frat boys serve as potential dates; usually, there is a variety of dates to chosechoose from. A sorority girl would never think of picking up a man on the street , ; on the other hand, theirsthere's my friend, Lisa. It’s obvious that she’s friendly to just about everyone __, that’s how she met her current boyfriend. Another aspect of the sorority girl stereotype is strict conformity to house rules , drinking and smoking are strictly prohibited ;_ , making the girls seem so disciplined and innocent. However, there’s nothing Lisa likes more thenthan to stay out late at a good party and completely blow off curfews. As a matter of fact, Lisa refuses to go to these boring parties ; , and pretendpretends she is having fun. She'd rather forget the party and go out with other friends even if she knew she will get in trouble. Finally, most people think sorority girls are very smart , ; getting good grades is expected. When it comes to this point ;, Lisa is an exception. She’s so busy with her social life that she never does her homework. I’m pretty sure she’s going to fail all her classes this semester ? . As a result, Lisa's personality doesn't fit your normal stereotype of a sorority girl.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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