the background :
Coronavirus has become
the vital in the role digital technology plays to this day. Since the first case of the virus was recorded on November 17, the2019, technological transformation has begun to come uptake place with solutions to limit the spread of the Corona virus.
How technology helped us lead a normal life - the means that were used - society's impression of using technology in this crisis
• 1 Create a platform for my school to study remotely
• 2
The launch of the Tawakalna application to reduce the Corona virus
• 3
Smartphone applications, including delivery applications - offline payment applications
The use of technology has reduced the number of infections
The Kingdom announced the return
of training to normal life for education on May 26, 2022020 AD
On August 18, 2020, the recovery rate
from the virus was 90%, and on January 7, 2021
, the Kingdom announced the registration of only 10 cases of Coronavirus had been registered. These delightful results came from people collaborating incollaboratively using technology to curb the spread of the Coronavirus.
Technology has changed
asfrom what people had imagined init to be in the past. TheyPreviously, they thought it was a recreation area withrecreational activity with both flaws and advantages. Now, they see technology as a way of liflife.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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