ThreeSome months ago, Emma’s friend Mark recommended her to his boss, because she’s a very good writer wchich needwho needs money. He gave her prototype of the novel to his boss. After he read it he was very positively suprisedsurprised, so she got thisthe job. Some monthdmonths later, she got a new laptop to finish her novel. When she had finished the book, it was printed in 20,000 copies, beacusebecause she thought that it willwould be bestseller. AtIn the beginning, thisthe novel was bought by many peoplespeople, but it turned out that the book undrtstandwas not too much peoples, forunderstood by many people. For example, Steve which bought it, and started read it on thea bench in the park, but it was too bad, so he read it sinceit took him from summer to autumn to read it. When he endfinished it, he getgot the idea to sell it outside his home. 25Twenty-five minutes later come to him his friend Tomas andcame over to get thisthe book, but for him this book it was also too bad to read too. It was on the bookshlefbook shelf in his home until a very cold winter day, when he threw it toin the fireplace where the man was warmingto warm himself up.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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