In America there are about 5% of African Americans currently working in our medical field, meaning theythere are few African American CardiologistCardiologists, GynecologistGynecologists, PodiatristPodiatrists, etc. The lack of diversity in race amongstin the medical field is another situation in America we as the people need to investigate and look at. Every day a black woman is dying on the operating table delivering her baby in the hands of a white doctor because she is not getting the proper care or treatment. The CDC reported that black women arehave a two to three times greater to experiencerisk of experiencing maternal mortality than white women in the US. Obstetrician-GynecologistObstetrician-Gynecologists aka OB/GYN’s are very essential to the medical field and often go unrecognized amongst other medical professions, and there is a lack of African American OB/GYN’s in the US (11.1%) to not only help a black woman with having a healthy delivery and maintain a healthy life but to make each the visit more relatable and someone who will make the atmosphere comfortable along with giving women the right information. With this scholarship, I can continue to receive the proper education and training to become an OB/GYN and shed light on this issue in the health care field and make sure our women are safe in the hands of doctors who are trained to take care of any patient despite race, religion, andor sexual orientation. I am grateful to be considered for this scholarship opportunity and should I be selected; I will use it towards my medical education.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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