My attitude does not call for you to be upset with me because I am entitled to have an opinion on a situation, even if it does not havehas nothing to do with me. You calling a b**** does not make you better than your sister. I was not mad that my auntie called me a b**** because it is her. itIt is not nothing out of the ordinary, it is just her. Everybody knows she does not care, and she will call you whatever comes to mind. I wish you would stop saying D leaving influences all of us because it does not. I did not think twice about him leaving. When you talked to me yesterday, I told you that you let him back in totoo easy, and I stand by that, because you keep saying you’re not trynatrying to mess up your blessing. butBut that’s not messing up your blessings, that is just laying down ground rules that youit is not finnafine to come back and do the same stuff youhe did the last few times and that it is not finnagoing to be that easy for him to get back in your good graces. He should not be spending noany kind of time over at the house until he learns that what he did to you is unacceptable. You keep making me out to be the bad guy, but I’m not. I just know what and what not to put up with. And every time he comes back around, you change. youYou may not see it, but Mikel and I see it.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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