Depending on the clinical setting and the quality of medical care, 10% of typhoid fever patients may develop both intestinal and extra-intestinal complications. (14). Since there is a paucity of data and currently no new reports on the factors associated with the use of steroids in complicated enteric fever in children as well as inand adults; hence, we assume that this study is the first to be reported from Pakistan. In this study, we found that the median age of presentation with complicated enteric fever in the steroid group was 64.5 months, as compared to the 17.5 months in a study performed by Chisti et al,. in Bangladesh. In the same study, steroids were used in children with colitis 2 (10%), as compared to the 12 (23%) in the steroid group in our study. Punjabi NH et al. reported 6 (28.5%) children with septic shock in the steroid group, as compared to 7 (35%) in the non-steroid group. In howevercontrast, our study findings showed,included 18 (34.6%) children with septic shock in the steroid group as compared to 4 (7.0%) in the non-steroid group. Further, we found 2 (3.8%) children with gastrointestinal bleeding inwere included in the steroid group of this study, which wasis lower than the 2 (10.5%) reported byin Punjabi NH et al in his.'s study.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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