FirstlyFirst, the main purpose of communication with patients in nursing is to establish therapeutic relationships between nurses and patients (Chang & Daly, 2016). However, there is a challenge for new graduate nurses thatcan be challenged when building a relationship is not eligible effectively if the patients are not ablestifled by patients' inability to speak English well and also have, which creates a language barrier (Benedetti, Cohen & Taylor, 2013). Linguistic diversity of the over 65 years agedyear age group is much larger than segmentation of other aged groupage groups in Australia. and aA lot of people in this group is generationare of the post-Second World War immigrationimmigrant generation and are non-English background that there is a difficult consideration to supportspeakers. The provision of cultural and linguistic service support and care planplans for this agedage group of patients is an important consideration (Xiao, De Bellis, Kyriazopoulos, Draper & Ullah, 2015). For example, 84 percentagespercent of Italian-born AustralianAustralians use Italian as their primary language priority at home, and some of them are still not familiarunfamiliar with English speaking English and they have a barrier to accessaccessing main stream of health care serviceservices in Australia (Benedetti, Cohen & Taylor, 2013). Therefore, newNew graduate registered nurses have a duty to communicate effectively with them and a, to respect for the patients’ cultural dignity and belief to engage in professional and therapeutic relationships with multicultural patients and that provides, providing patients and their family members aboutwith adequate information ofabout their carechoices and care (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2021, Standard 2.2). However, newNew graduate nurses are easy to be engagedcan easily engage in ainappropriate communication false engaged inif they are unaware of multicultural patients’ sensitive cultural tabootaboos when they are tryingtrying to build relationship with these patientsrelationships (Xiao, De Bellis, Kyriazopoulos, Draper & Ullah, 2015). So demonstrating eachEach patient’s verbal and non-verbal expressionexpressions and eachevery ongoing communication process needs to be evaluated after each of casescase to prepareprepare the next plan of communication with patients.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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