An article I found from the modules is the article from The Scientist entitled New Antibiotic from Soil Bacteria made by Anna Azvolinsky, and is a really brain-immersing paper. A lot of the widely used antibiotics have come out from dirt. Penicillin came from a fungus found in the soil called Penicillium, and Vancomycin came from bacterium found in dirt. In January 7 of, 2015, researchers from the Northeastern University and NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals and their colleagues have identified a new Gram-positivegram-positive bacteria-target antibiotic from a soil sample collected in Maine that can kill species including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcusstaphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Moreover, the researchers have not yet found any bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotic, called teixobactin. Because Teixobactinteixobactin cannot be cultured in thea lab using standard techniques, the researchers applied an approach called Ichip, in which a soil sample is diluted with agarm and a single bacterial cell is suspended in a chamber surrounded withby a semi-permeable membrane. Teixobactin has two non-protein cell wall targets-highly conserved portions of two precursor polymers of peptidoglycan and cell wall teichoic acid.

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