The Script for HES COMPANY
Vo1: Imagine a loan management that’s completely automatic. Fastwith fast, seamless processing.
Vo1: Hundreds upon thousands of requests, error-free!
Vo1: Sounds great, huh?
Vo2: It sure does! Sign me up!
Vo1: Okay, let’s go!
Vo2: Wow, what’s taking so long?
Vo1: Sorry! This is a custom solution,; it takes a while to build from scratch.
Vo2: Oh well. Can we speed this thing up somehow?
Vo1: How about an out-of-the-box solution?
Vo2: Okay, let’s see what you’ve got.
Vo2: Can we add AI-based scoring?
Vo1: Sorry! ThisThat solution can’t really be customized.
Vo2: Well, is there anything in between?
Vo1: Why don’t you try HES?
Vo1: HES unites the best of both worlds. You get a personalized lending platform that feels like a custom product, built from off-the-shelf modules. Out with the hassle, in with the perks!
Vo2: Now we’re talking!
Vo1: We start with Onboardingonboarding. This is where good communication with a client begins.
Vo1: Then comes the Underwritingunderwriting: the documents, the notifications, the integrations.
Vo1: Scoring is crucial, too. This is how the recipient’s paying capacity is assessed accurately.
Vo1: Next is the Disbursementdisbursement. It’s a system that gives your money away … [pause] to approved recipients only!
Vo2: Can you automate Portfolio Monitoring?portfolio monitoring?
Vo1: Sure!
Vo1: Plus, we can add some custom dashboards and collateral management on top of that!
Vo2: Really… Maybemaybe there’s a pizza delivery module, too?
Vo1: We can sure throw that one in!
Vo1: Three months later, you get an easy-to-use, versatile solution -- createdsolution—created by industry experts who really care about your business.
Vo1: HopeI hope this is an easy choice now!
Vo2: You bet!
Vo1: Say YES to HES!
The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.
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