The Encounter Women’s Ministry is a ministry for women who have a heart for prayer. Our ministry is designed to uplift, train, encourage, enlarge, and unify women, around the world, through prayer.

The Encounter Prayer Call was birthed through our founder, Dr. Tiffaney Steadman. Dr. Tiffaney is committed to encouraging women
on how to discover their God-given potential, by providing them with the tools needed to walk in their divine purpose.

Recognizing the need for women to take their kingly mandate to operate in the things of God she launched, “The Encounter” Weekly Prophetic Call for women. Through this call
, lives have been transformed, bodies have been healed and women have been taught how to access and live in the presence of God.

The Encounter weekly prayer call is every Thursday at 8:00 pm
est.EST, and its emphasis is to open up in the realm of the spirit the prophetic utterances of God. We believe that prayer and worship is essential to ushering you into the presence of God.

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